Psychological/Emotional Impact of Tinnitus

Depression & Anxiety Are Common With Tinnitus, Here’s How to Find Help

This article is brought to you by Lipo-Flavonoid. In this edition of Ringing True, our team discusses the psychological and emotional impacts of tinnitus and how the lemon bioflavonoids found in Lipo-Flavonoid can help relieve ringing in the ears.

The effects of tinnitus can be wide-ranging and severe. Indeed, the condition can encompass so much that the term “ringing in the ears” often just doesn’t seem to do it justice. This is especially true for the millions of people living with severe tinnitus. For them, tinnitus’ buzzing, roaring, clicking, hissing, or humming is no joke; causing significant negative impacts on quality of life. Such impacts can include, says the Mayo Clinic, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, irritability, communication issues, concentration difficulties, and even thoughts of self-harm. Physical pain can occur, too, says the American Tinnitus Association (ATA).

Two million Americans, according to the ATA, report that their tinnitus symptoms are so severe that they are unable to function in their daily lives. More than half of tinnitus sufferers, adds the ATA, indicate they experience depression. Among veterans, say experts at Yale Medicine, tinnitus is the number one form of disability.

Even in its milder forms, tinnitus is known to be distracting, uncomfortable, and associated with hearing loss. This, in itself, is serious because hearing loss can harm careers and relationships due to impaired communications.

Whether you consider your tinnitus a “minor nuisance” or a career-altering or life-changing disability, we want you to know that you’re not alone and there’s help.

To support you through the mental health aspects of tinnitus, Yale otolaryngologists recommend sufferers and their healthcare teams consider augmenting symptom management regimens with:

  • Medications for anxiety and depression to lessen tinnitus symptoms themselves while also helping to relieve tinnitus-related anguish, mood concerns, and sleeplessness.
  • Counseling with a practitioner who understands tinnitus and can teach sufferers techniques to improve mind and body reactions to it.

Other recommended tinnitus care tips include:

  • Reducing exposure to loud, ear-irritating sounds. This can help improve tinnitus and keep it from getting worse. Protect hearing with earplugs (or special headphones) when noise exposure can’t be avoided. Move away from noise when possible. Make sure the volume on your headphones and ear buds is turned down, and allow yourself to recover from noise by taking quiet breaks.
  • Reducing and managing stress. According to research in Ear and Hearing, the risk of developing tinnitus is approximately the same for highly-stressed people as it is for those exposed to loud noise at work. Similarly, the British Tinnitus Association says it’s common for tinnitus to manifest during or after periods of high stress and for tinnitus to become more severe with stress. Exercise, outside time, positive thinking, quality sleep, and communicating with supportive loved ones and healthcare professionals can all provide stress-relief.
  • Getting healthy amounts of sleep. Too little sleep can trigger tinnitus or make it worse. Most people need about 8 hours per night. To help improve sleep: stick to consistent bedtimes and wake-times, exercise daily, consider a sound machine and melatonin, and create soothing, sleep-signaling rituals.
  • Avoiding caffeine, alcohol and nicotine; each can make ear ringing more noticeable, and can interfere with quality sleep.
  • Considering other health issues or medications. There are a variety of medicines and medical conditions that can cause or worsen tinnitus and should be ruled out or addressed, as appropriate. Meds linked to tinnitus include some antibiotics, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), cancer drugs, diuretics, and high doses of aspirin. Conditions include head injuries, diabetes, Meniere’s disease, hypertension, allergies, excessive ear wax, and jaw problems (TMJ). If you think another health problem or a medicine you’re using may be causing or worsening your tinnitus, talk to your doctor about it but never change your medicine routine without advice from a qualified health professional.

Tinnitus sufferers can also potentially find some relief from nutritional supplements. With consistent use and following directions carefully, the nutrients in Lipo-Flavonoid have been shown to improve the symptoms of tinnitus for some people.

Lemon bioflavonoids, like those in Lipo-Flavonoid, are thought to help relieve tinnitus symptoms by:

  • Improving microcirculation in the inner ear
  • Preventing abnormal accumulation of fatty deposits, and
  • Blocking histamine production in the inner ear (a probable cause of inner ear disturbances.)

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