Eating for Your Ears

Research in the International Journal of Audiology in 2013 showed thatpeople who consumed better quality calories had better hearing.2 Which is important because 90% of those people affected by tinnitus (distressing “ringing” in the ears) also have some level of hearing loss 3 and hearing loss frequently brings on tinnitus...

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Is There Such a Thing As Tinnitus in Teens?

Is he or she a gamer? Musician? Athlete? Tinnitus isn’t cliquish. It can affect just about anyone. Tinnitus in teens is more common than one might think. According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHoP), about one-third of adolescents experience tinnitus. 1 In an age of constant connectivity, teens are...

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Take the 60-Day Challenge

more info: /60-day-challenge

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Living with Tinnitus? Here are 7 Tips for Holiday Sur-Thrival

According to a Consumer Reports holiday poll 1a, 64% of adults in America dread holiday crowds and long lines and 19% dread attending holiday parties or events. But if you’re one of the nearly 1 in 5 people who suffers with tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, you may experience...

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7 Ways to Turn Health Intentions into Daily Health Habits

You’ve made a decision to benefit your health. Good for you! The next step is to turn that desired health-related behavior into a health habit that you just do, routinely, and don’t even have to think about any more. Whether you’re determined to drink a glass of water with each...

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How Do You Pronounce Tinnitus?

Remember that song “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off?” from the 1937 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie Shall We Dance? You know… the one that plays on how accents and regional dialects can affect the pronunciations of words like “either,” “neither” and “tomato.” Still no idea? Check out the...

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Trouble Sleeping?

Lipo-Flavonoid’s new Day/Night Kit and Sonorest Sleep Tones may be the perfect solution for you.

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Learn About the Causes of Tinnitus

Learn About the Causes of Tinnitus in this segment, featuring Lipo-Flavonoid.

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New Products Focus on Tinnitus Sufferers’ Unique Sleep Needs

Just because you have tinnitus doesn’t mean you have to say good-bye to a good night’s sleep. New, innovative products created using the best intel from tinnitus as well as sleep experts can help you look forward to bedtime again. Did you know that 77% of tinnitus sufferers say their...

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